Exhibitions & Open Portfolio

Inuit and Aboriginal Prints: Inspiration from Mokuhanga

June 4 -12, 2011 (closed Thursdays)
at Sunshine Hall (Sunshine Gallery), Awaji City

Address: 149-1 Ura, Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Hours: 10:00-17:00

Organizer: IMC2011 Board
In cooperation with: Northern Editions, Northern Territory, Australia, Awaji City
Endorsed by: The Australian Embassy and The Embassy of Canada

This exhibition features woodblock prints from Aboriginal communities in Australia and Inuit communities in Canada. The aim of the exhibition is to highlight how traditional Japanese woodblock printing has been interpreted by Aboriginal and Inuit cultures through their distinct modes of expression and localized materials.

ACCESS: Google Map


June 8 -12, 2011
at Kyoto International Community House, 2F (Sister City Exhibition Room)

This exhibition presents an enjoyable selection of 60 woodblock prints from print artists all over the world. It shows how woodblock printmaking is a multi-faceted art, offering myriad kinds of expression. The artists of the exhibition are:

Katie Baldwin (USA), Linda Beeman (USA), Annie Bissett (USA), Debra Bowden (Ireland), Mary Brodbeck (USA), Matthew Christie (USA), Gerd Anne Endestad (Norway), Rick Finn (USA), Elizabeth Forrest (Canada), Motoaki Fujimoto (Japan), Paul Furneaux (UK), Elettra Gorni (Italy), Kirsti Grotmol (Norway), Kana Hasegawa (Japan), Ray Heus (USA), Henrik Hey (Netherlands), Charlotte Jones (Canada), Dariusz Kaca (Poland), Catherine Kernan (USA), Hasan Kiran (Turkey), Inari Krohn (Finland), Mari LaCure (USA), Elspeth Lamb (UK), Marie Lessard (Canada), Bill Mathie (USA), Karen Helga Maurstig (Norway), Deborah Metz (Australia), Hiroyuki Mita (Japan), Florence Neal (USA), Miyuki Ninomiya (Japan), Miwa Morikawa (Japan), Minako Murata (Japan), Paul Musgrove (UK), Mia O (Korea), Dimitrije Pecic (Serbia), Ari Pelkonen (Finland), Eva Pietzcker (Germany), Carie Ann Plank (USA), Endi Poskovic (USA), Margot K. Rocklen (USA), Victor Romao (Canada), Susan Rushforth (Australia), Nunik Sauret (Mexico), Jorg Schmeisser (Germany), Lynita Shimizu (USA), Elisabet Alsos Strand (Norway), Tyler Starr (USA), Richard Steiner (Japan), Haru Suzue (Japan), Lonora Swanson-Flores (USA), Ryoichi Takashi (Japan/China), Hiroko Tamura (Japan), Annu Vertanen (Finland), Nina Wishnok (USA), Junichi Yamada (Japan)

ACCESS: http://www.kcif.or.jp/en/kaikan/
Google Map


Thursday, June 9, 2011
at Kyoto Kaikan Conference Hall

The Open Portfolio exhibition offers artists a chance to display their works free style on tabletops. Each exhibitor has one table at his/her use. This is not a juried event. All conference participants are invited to reserve a table. Table reservation is made along with the conference registration. A small table fee is required.

ACCESS: Google Map

Hanga Ehon: Handprinted BooksInternational Artists Print Book Exhibition

June 1-12, 2011
at Kyoto Paradise (Artbooks Yamazaki, 2F)

Printmaking artists from USA, Canada, Italy, Germany, UK, Norway, Poland, Finland, Korea and Japan exhibit their print book art in a gallery located on a second floor of an antique artbook store. Admission Free.

ACCESS: http://web.kyoto-inet.or.jp/people/kusanone/index.html
Google Map

Mokuhanga Innovative

June 4-12, 2011
at Art Forum Jarfo, Kyoto

Exhibition of international artists using mixed techniques in woodcut and showing new approaches to mokuhanga. The artists are: Akira Kurosaki, Tetsuya Noda and Seiichiro Miida from Japan, Karen Kunc and April Vollmer from USA, and Kari Laitinen and Tuula Moilanen from Finland.

ACCESS: http://www16.plala.or.jp/jarfo/about-jarfo2.html
Google Map

Mokuhanga and HyoguPrints from Nagasawa Art Park printmaking program

June 5-June 12, 2011
at Kyoto Art Center (Tatami room 2F)
Organized: Nagasawa Art Park Committee, Awaji and Kyoto Art Center

No one knows for sure when and how we Japanese started to show contemporary mokuhanga in a frame with acrylic glass, the way things are done in the West. Since almost abandoning mounting paper as a way to support prints from behind, we have become unable to look closely at their color and texture. The organizers approached hyougu professionals and applied the technique to contemporary mokuhanga produced by international artists having taken part in the NAP printmaking program. These prints on hyougu will be shown in the big Tatami room of the Kyoto Art Center, which is housed in a renovated, 100-year-old, elementary school building.

ACCESS: http://en.kac.or.jp/access/
Google Map

For further information of the conference presenters: click here
For further information of the conference schedule: click here